‘‘Love of The Internet’’ 💍♥
️Part 10
(Love Story)
Only when you get to know
me more about my personality and who I am will you know what makes me
different. So now in your heart give me a chance to earn my love and you get to
know me like this Sawda?
I said to her: Thank you
very much Sawda, it's great and wonderful for a girl so beautiful to give you a
chance without any condition. Usually, girls who like boys are confused and
worried a lot, but your first offer to accept me like this is very valuable.
She said: I am not the girl of fantasy and maya who has lost someone to be
satisfied, why should I wander? Am I satisfied? I have to tell the truth to
someone who is not satisfied with himself. Everything is based on truth and
reality. I said thank you.
Urgency is the work of
the devil and I want to ask anyone who uses the WhatsApp app! But I'm a little
scared, but the nice way she talks to me and accepts me has created a lot of
confidence in me and it's okay to ask. Ilayn has already finished speaking and
is looking at me and I am thinking of another place. I heard that you are not
in Munir's line and a very kind speech, as if someone is speaking from heaven.
I said: yes, dear, I am here. I was looking at this picture of you. Is it your
boyfriend or your ex-love? Just kidding, but I want to know more about this
She laughed and said: Are
you already jealous of the game and who is the person on you? Waar is my
brother who is one year older than me. It's a big shock for my worst brother to
be! And as I told you before, we were in the same class and we know each other
very well. Not only do we know each other, but he was a young man who hurt me
and discriminated against me in my tribe, even with the worst intelligence. It
is a big problem and even though the society suffers from discrimination,
racism and alienation from my community, one of the worst people for you, if
you love your sister, you know the burden she has.
I just heard from you
again tonight, what's wrong with your phone? I said in the mood that your
brother is stuck in my throat. I told him normally: there may be a problem with
the phone but there is nothing wrong with us in Sawda. And you are not jealous
of your brother, you look at each other and I immediately realized, even the
nose, the belt and the eyes look like twins. She laughed and said: I've never
seen anyone say you look alike before. I'm talking to myself but I can't hear
She said to me: My dear,
when you call me, I feel a new feeling that I have never experienced before. Are
you a witch? I said: why does your heart only feel the messages my heart is
sending, but nothing magical. What I added is that the house of Abu Sufyan can
be brought to magic? She laughed and said: Where is Abu Sufyan? I am referring
to Abu Tafseer, please be patient. She said it's okay, it's late and we have
school tomorrow, aren't you going to sleep? I said: I have come from the market
and I am sitting in the basement of the house, I have not yet entered the
Stay away from the cold,
I'm wondering tonight under my blanket. It's normal that your voice warms me so
I don't feel cold. Did you take a coat first or do you wear an afternoon shirt?
I'm carrying him sweet, I'm still in the neighborhood. It's stupid to get out
of the cold and we have to cherish tomorrow and school. Hey, why do we know
each other? We know each other very well. Good night my queen, good night. She
laughed and said: Is the night a crazy thing for the people of Hamar? Have a
good night.
I went home feeling very
happy and feeling that I had earned a lot from Sawda or my love. As I walked
into my front room, I remembered something! I searched and lost. I even
searched in front of the house and where I was sitting but unfortunately, I
lost it. I don't know where she is from where she is. Sometimes I think I came
from Sawda's house, another time I got lost in Sawda's father's car. And now
the hotel and the mosque are so easy that I forgot about them. What I lost was
the expensive watch that I had bought for Sawda as a present. When I went home
things were messed up and my memory was gone, even if I remember I didn't get a
chance to give it to you.
➡ Follow Section: 11